One of the films director put two horror characters in one film called When frankenstein met count dracula.
Count dracula was a vampire created in 1897 by the irish writer BramStoker. Bram Sroker got the idea when he was in the highgate cementery in London. And then he start writing the story about the Dracula when he went out of his tomb.
Now you can visit the count dracula tour in the Highgate cementery in every tour only go four people. Becouse you can be more scared.
Now i will put a fragment of a count dracula story:
The bedroom window was wide open as a moonlight was shining into room. Mina was on the balcony and a dark shape was learning over her. It was count dracula!
In my opinion horror stories was good by in night you can't sleep becouse you be scared.

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