Supermarkets are an important part of daily life in Britain. At the supermarkets you can buy anything but the eighty per cent of the products are food,and drink.
There are a lot of companys of supermarkets but Tesco is the biggest company in Britain. It's got nearly 2000 shops in Britain and is the third biggest supermarket in the world.
The very big supermarkets in the country are on the edge of cities or towns. This means that can buy nmore and take it home in the car. Near the supermarkets you can buy pertol too. There are many more supermarkets than 20 years ago. The people think go to the supermarket it's better than go to shop in the shops of town.
Not everyone likes supermarkets. Small shops in towns and villages are closing becouse supermarkets sell the same thinks cheaper.As a result the big supermarkets have start to open small shops in the towns and cities.
Many supermarkets are open 24 hours in six days of a week (They can't open 24 hours in Sundays becouse the law doesn't allow this.

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